Three ports in the southern region of Brazil are qualified for the PPI
On January 24, the decree of qualification of three ports in the southern region of Brazil for the Investment Partnership Program of the Presidency of the Republic (PPI) was published. The qualified ports are the Port of Paranaguá, located in the state of Paraná; the Organized Port of São Francisco do Sul, located in the state of Santa Catarina; and the Organized Port of Rio Grande, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
The Port of Paranaguá has an area of 38,000m2 and is mainly engaged in the handling and storing of solid mineral bulk. The Port of Rio Grande has an area of 11,448m2, and the Port of São Francisco do Sul has 41,171m2. The two ports are mainly engaged in the handling and storing of solid vegetable bulk.
It is important to emphasize that the qualification by decree grants port enterprises a national priority status at administrative and controlling levels and turn them into strategic interest undertakings.
Ibama accepts studies related to Nova Ferroeste
On January 21, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) the information that the Environmental Impact Study and Environmental Impact Report of Nova Ferroeste carried out by FIPE (Institute of Economic Research Foundation) in the states of Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul was accepted.
Nova Ferroeste (West Export Corridor) comprises the construction of new sections and the creation of an export rail corridor to connect the main producing hub of grains in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) and the west region of Paraná (PR) to the port of Paranaguá (PR). The project is estimated to reach an extension of 1,370 km. In addition, the project was qualified for the PPI through Decree No.10,487/2020.
The acceptance of the studies is an essential milestone for the project, as it shows that the content prepared is suitable for merit analysis and enables the proper next steps, such as making the studies available for public hearing and consultation, to be taken.
Public Hearing of the Blumenal Prison Complex was Held
On January 21, the public hearing of the Blumenau Prison Complex was held by the Government of the State of Santa Catarina, with the participation of the Special Office for the Investment Partnership Program of the Ministry of Economy (SEPPI).
The project is expected to be one of the largest and most modern in the country, having been led by the State of Santa Catarina, coordinated by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and supported by the Ministry of Economy through SEPPI.
Studies indicate that prison related PPPs, such as the one in Blumenau, will have a lower cost for the state, expecting that prisoners will spend less time in prison, depending on the hours worked. In addition, there is an expectation of a decrease in criminal recidivism.
The public consultation was extended through February 6, 2022, and, after it is completed, the project will be submitted for analysis by the Audit Court of Santa Catarina.
Public Consultation on the Privatization of the Port of Santos
The process for public consultation on the privatization of the Port of Santos was opened by the National Agency for Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ) on January 31, and contributions to the project can be submitted through March 16, 2022. The objective is to receive contributions to improve the documents related to the privatization of the Port of Santos, in the state of São Paulo.
The value of the initial concession for the Port of Santos is expected to be at least R$1.4 billion, with an annual contribution of 2.25% of concession authorities on the roads operating in the port. The concession contract stipulates 35 years, renewable for up to 5 years.
The privatization of the Port of Santos can bring innovations related to the deepening of the access channel, allowing larger ships to have access to the port, thus expanding its operations.
ANTAQ will consider only contributions concerning documents included in the public consultation and public hearing, which can be sent to ANTAQ up to 11:59 p.m. (Brasília time) on March 16, exclusively through the fulfilling of the electronic form available at Contributions submitted using other means will not be accepted.
Further information and drafts of legal documents are available at
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